Category: fucking

Ass Fucked In the Elevator

It’s a crowded elevator, in one of those interminably tall city buildings, and you, of course, work very near the top floor. You’re being squished between crowds of people. A wonderful start to the day, you think.

Suddenly, you feel it. There, again! Definitely more than just accidental contact. A pair of hands is stroking your ass through your skirt. You’d normally be offended, but the contact feels so good, strong, yet tender. This is not aggressive groping. These hands are exploring the contours of your butt as though it were a work of art. Stifling a low moan, you push ever so slightly back into the hands, and are rewarded with more vigorous stroking. Because of the crowd in the elevator, you can’t turn your head to see who it is that is feeling you up.

The hands are becoming bolder now, lifting your skirt up and feeling your bare flesh. You sigh softly, hoping no one notices. No one does – at this time, in this situation, everyone is looking straight ahead, wrapped up in their own thoughts. The fingers trace around the lacy edges of your panties. You feel hot, sweet smelling breath on the back of your neck and in your hair. It feels incredible, and you feel your panties getting soaked as your pussy grows wetter and wetter.


Anal Fucking For the Office Slut

Being known as the office tease or slut doesn’t bother me, I enjoy sex a lot in all its forms so being known as promiscuous suits me fine as it means I get a lot of guaranteed action!

There was an occasion I remember well during a meeting, round a table of 7 people, my colleague to the right of me began feeling my leg. Most girls might feel this as an intrusion of privacy, I don’t, I love being fondled in inappropriate situations! Don’t get me wrong if I know the guy to be a creep I’ll brush him off but in most cases I’m all for some sexual groping!

My colleague, Scott, is a good looking, athletic guy. I knew he had a girlfriend but that was a minor detail and if he chose to feel me up and turn me on then that’s his prerogative! During the meeting his hand moved further up my stockinged thigh till it was at the top of my black stockings. During a part of the meeting where I was required to speak Scott un clasped my stocking and began to push it down my leg, knowing this would put me in an awkward situation at some point! I wasn’t annoyed, rather, very much turned on by this forwardly flirty behaviour!

As Scott moved his hand further up my thigh I spread my legs as wide as I could, giving him room to stroke my moist pussy through my lace knickers. He expertly rubbed me softly, locating my clit which was swelling under his perfect strokes!

The meeting came to an end and in effort to somewhat keep my decency and my job I stayed behind, pretending to sort my papers and notes. Scott left me with a wink and a smile. I redid the clasps on my stockings and fixed my tight pencil skirt which had ridden up. I had a quick feel of my pussy and right enough it was dripping wet!

Later, as I was leaving the office Scott came up to me and whispered that I follow him. I knew that this was going to lead to some sex and in the frustrated state I was in after the meeting I was gagging for a good slamming!

He led me into an empty office where he shut the door, pinned me against it and we kissed passionately. His hands were all over me, gripping my firm ass and feeling the curve of my back. It felt great and I was filling with lust fast! I dropped my bag on the floor and tried to undo his belt and trousers to free the swelling cock I could feel grinding against my stomach.

Scott pulled off my jacket as I took out his cock. I made to fall to my knees but as I did so he pushed me over to the desk and bent me over it. I looked over my shoulder to see him standing back admiring the view of me bent over the desk. Standing in my black high heels spread slightly apart, my long toned stockinged legs leading up to my tight pencil skirt, perfectly showing off the slight curve of my firm ass and my tailored blouse framing the curve of my torso. He was slowly stroking himself and his eyes were filled with lust.

He moved forward and sank to his knees to pushed his hands up legs, pulling my skirt up as he went. He then pulled down my knickers slowly and removed them from my feet. He then felt my ass with his strong hands, all over moving to my pussy lips and back round. Pulling apart my ass cheeks he kissed my ass and began to tongue my asshole. It felt so amazing, the nerves sent shocks of pleasure up my spine making me quiver with lust! Pushing two fingers into my pussy sent more shocks and really got my juices going!

As my asshole relaxed with his tongue teasing it Scott pushed his finger in and began to tease it wider! Once wide enough he stood up, spat into the hole and slowly but firmly pushed his sizeable cock into my tight ass. It sent me into a lustful daze! I could feel his every inch in me and with my asshole contracting he pushed harder and harder, heightening the pleasure!

Scott occasionally pulled out his meat to spit into the gaping hole, the cool of the natural lube sent shivers down my spine but in my aroused state it felt good! After what seemed an age of amazing anal, Scott pushing his large cock into my tight ass I could feel him grow even harder, this naturally felt even better bringing me close to a climax. Scott was obviously close too, telling my his groaning and swelling cock. All of a sudden I could feel the shots of warm spunk filling my ass. Scott his groaning immensely as he sent load after load of his hot cum into me. The feeling of this sent me into an orgasmic bliss, I screamed and bucked against him, pushing his meat further into me, making the orgasm so powerful!

Once Scott was done he pulled out his cock and watched me twitch in my post orgasmic state. I could barely support myself against the desk I was so weak. Once recovered I pulled down my skirt, adjusted my stockings and wiped up the spunk that was running down my leg with my knickers which I picked up from the floor. Scott smiled and took the knickers from my hand and pushed them into his pocket.

He left the office leaving me to ponder what just happened. Amazing anal in a colleagues office at work. What more could an office slut want!

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Anniversary Trip Goes South

To my knowledge, my wife Sally had never cheated on me in 14 years of marriage. We have two great sons (12 and 10) and have always enjoyed a good sex life. Sally has blond hair and is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 140 lbs. She is attractive and keeps herself in good shape. Neither of us are heavy drinkers but occasionally we like to get hammered and it inevitably leads to great uninhibited sex. We always reserve at least one night on any vacation for a big night out. This particular incident occurred on an anniversary trip to Bermuda and has both haunted and aroused me ever since. I have never spoken to my wife about what happened and probably never will.

It all started at the airport on the trip over. We met a nice couple from Georgia (Mellie and Jim) who were also heading to Bermuda for a getaway. Jim was bigger than me standing about 6 feet 3 inches and was pretty well built at around 210 lbs. Mellie was cute and slightly overweight but with very nice boobs. They had already been drinking and we had a great time talking to them prior to boarding. We talked to them again after landing in Bermuda and said our farewells as we all took cabs to our resorts.

On out third day we ran into Mellie and Jim while shopping. Mellie was on crutches and had a big bandage on her foot from stepping on a piece of glass. Jim told us the story and as usual he had us in stitches with his southern humor. We all decided to go have a drink and by late afternoon we were all feeling pretty good. I could tell this was going to be a big drunk for Sallie and me and I knew that if I kept feeding her margaritas that this would be a great night of sex. Sallie and I like tequila and it invariably leads to incredible love making.

We invited Mellie and Jim to go to dinner with us at a restaurant at our resort and we said our goodbyes to go get showered before dinner. Sallie and I kept drinking as we got ready for dinner. She put on a short clingy dress that came to mid thigh. Underneath she wore a lacy bra and white silk panties that I was already imagining taking off of her later in the evening. We met Mellie and Jim at the restaurant and had dinner on the terrace overlooking the ocean. The drinks were flowing freely and all four of us were getting really drunk. I always know my wife is drunk when she demands to go dancing and sure enough Sallie suggested we hit the dance floor. We debated going to into town and finding a hopping bar but decided that would take too long. I suggested we go back to our room where we had our iPod dock and crank some dance tunes. Everyone agreed and off we went.

The room dancing was fun with Mellie hopping around on crutches and the four of us doing our best dirty dancing moves. I spent as much time dancing with Mellie as I did with Sallie and I must admit I was having a good time brushing up against her boobs. Mellie was absolutely wasted due to some painkillers she was taking for her foot. As I danced with her I had to pretty much hold her up which gave me great access to her hooters. I ordered several rounds of room service margaritas as the dancing continued. I could see that Sallie was incredibly drunk and she was showing all of her best dirty dancing moves. Jim was hilarious on the dance floor as well but he never missed a chance to put his hands on Sallie or grind into her. It seemed like harmless fun.

Our suite was one room but it was large. We had moved the furniture so we could dance and were obviously making too much noise. A resort employee was dispatched to our room to tell us to quiet down which suited me because I was ready for Jim and Mellie to leave so I could go after Sallie. Suddenly I looked up to see Mellie sitting in a chair completely asleep. I suggested we end it but Sallie was having the time of her life dancing and Jim was in no mood to leave with his passed out wife. While Jim and Sallie kept dancing I moved Mellie to the bed and elevated her foot. It was sensational as I literally had my hands all over and was inches from her thong as I rested her foot atop a pillow. Sallie and Jim were oblivious. I grabbed my drink and sat down beside Mellie on the bed to watch the dancing. I must have nodded off in my drunken stupor because the next thing I knew Jim was shaking me trying to wake me up.

I really wanted him to leave so I pretended to sleep. He turned to Sallie and said that I was passed out cold and to my surprise she called me a light weight and said that she always could handle her liquor better than me – a true statement. So here I was pretending to be asleep on the bed with the comatose wife of Jim lying beside me. Sallie came over and shook me and told me to get up and start dancing. I simply lay there with my eyes shut hoping Jim would get the message and leave. Unfortunately that was not what he had in mind.

Even as Sallie was trying to wake me Jim was behind her dirty dancing. I heard him tell her to keep on dancing and to my surprise she did. Jim was running his hands all over Sallie and she was not stopping him. I saw him try and kiss her but she laughingly pushed him away. He kept after her telling her to loosen up and have some fun and I was amazed that she was giggling and having fun with it. Mellie and I might as well have been in another room.

At one point Jim was behind my wife dancing and I could see that he was running his hands all over her tits and even brushing her crotch. Finally Sallie stopped him when he tried to pull her straps off her shoulders but she still was good natured about it. I saw Jim whisper something to her and to my disbelief; Sallie walked over to me and shook me. I did not move. She then went and turned down the music and turned off the lights and went back to Jim. They started dancing again but this time they were grinding into each other and Sallie had her head against Jim’s chest. I could not believe she was doing this but I could not make myself stop it.

Jim grabbed her hand and led her to a chair. He sat down with Sallie facing him and pulled her straps off her shoulders and pulled her bra down below her tits and began sucking her nipples. She offered token resistance but was not about to stop him. Sallie loves having her nipples licked and I could tell she was at the point of no return. Jim pulled her down so she was straddling him on the couch. I could not believe my wife was letting him do this. I could not see his right hand but I knew he was rubbing her pussy under her dress. Her hips were rocking and she was clutching his head to her chest. This went on for several minutes and I could hear her breathing over the music. Suddenly she stood up and knelt down in front of him. Sallie has always liked to suck cock and when she gets really horny she demands it. She went down on him and I watched as my beautiful wife was balling Jim. Jim pulled her up and turned her around. I saw him reach up under her dress and remove her panties. He then pulled her down on him and inserted his cock between her legs. She was on fire with her eyes closed and trembling with pleasure. Jim turned her around again and she faced him and again sat on his cock. Her dress was bunched around her waist and I watched with both arousal and horror as he reached around and gripped her ass and eventually shot his load inside her. She orgasmed with him as she always does when I shoot off inside her and she continued to buck for what seemed like minutes. Finally, she rolled off of him and lay down on the couch and shut her eyes.

Jim stood up and straightened himself up and went straight to Mellie. He picked her up and headed for the door. We never saw them again.

When I woke up that morning Sallie was asleep in the bed with me having showered at some point during the night. Sallie and I have never spoken about her having sex with Jim that night although I think she knows that I know something happened.

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Friend Fucks Wife In Every Hole

We had known Dave and Mary for years, our friendship having grown after we were introduced by a mutual friend at a birthday party fifteen years earlier. We had hit it off straight away and before long we were socialising with them regularly. Dave was two years younger than me at 42, but looked 10 years younger. He was 6’2″ and built like a tank as he should be with the amount of exercise he does.

Mary at 40 years old, stands five feet six, has dark brown hair, usually worn up and has a body even at her age, which turns heads. Her tits, which always look as though they are about to burst through what is covering them, defy all gravitational laws. You can see some age in her face, but it suits her. She is one of those MILFS who are just eminently fuckable and she knows it!

My own wife Sam is no bad looker either. She is just over five feet tall, shoulder length brown hair, green eyes and a killer body, with good firm tits. I know Dave has had a thing for her for years, – you get to notice the looks, but Sam has never encouraged him and despite our previous adventures with other people (see previous stories), she would never compromise our friendship.

On the particular Friday night in question, we were preparing to meet Dave and Mary for a drink in a local country pub. As Sam was in the bathroom, we got chatting about our friends and how close we felt to them. I joked that Dave wouldn’t mind getting much closer to her. She turned to me completely naked and said, “What do you mean.”

She seemed surprised by my comment. I said “Oh come on, – surely you’ve seen the looks he gives you when Mary’s not watching him. “He’d give his right arm to fuck you.”

She blushed and I knew I had hit a nerve. “What if I were to suggest it to him” I said. “What if we asked him to fuck you while Mary and I watched? Or even better, while I fucked Mary?”

She moved closer to me now and began gently rubbing my semi — erect cock through my trousers. I could feel her large tits gently rubbing against me. “Do you really think they would go for it?” she said, as she unzipped my trousers and reached in to gently take hold of my now raging erection.

“Enough drink and merriment and I think they would.” I replied.

I could tell I had fired her lustful imagination because in a few seconds she had undone my trousers, dropped to her knees and taken my cock deep into her throat. Now I know from personal experience and from the reaction of other men I have watched her fuck that my wife gives awesome head. I felt my balls tighten and stir as I watched her bob her head.

Knowing that a great deal of the eroticism of a blowjob is in the watching of a cock disappear into her mouth, she gently moved her hair to the side to give me the perfect view. I gently held the back of her head as I began to fuck her face, feeling the sap rising in me and knowing that with each thrust, my blowing a load into her mouth was closer and closer. “I’m cumming,” I grunted and in response she took me deep as I felt my muck blow into her throat. Good little girl that she is, she didn’t stop sucking for a second and took the entire load into her mouth and swallowed.

“Is that a taste of what you have in store for Dave later?” I asked. She smiled, winked and turned towards the shower. I couldn’t wait!

After showering, Sam entered the lounge to reveal her outfit for the evening. She looked awesome! She was wearing a low cut clingy black top which displayed her 36D tits to perfection. She had coupled this with a knee — length black skirt and knee — high ‘take me home and fuck me’ black leather boots. Dave would cum in his pants just looking at her.

We entered the Pub at 7pm to find Dave sitting alone. Apparently Mary had been called away at the last minute as her mother was ill and she had to go look after her. I was a bit disappointed, but at least the evening still had possibilities.

After much merriment and flirty talk between Dave and Sam we decided to leave the cars on the pub car park and get a taxi back to our place. I persuaded Dave, rather than go back to an empty house that he should spend the night with us in our spare room. He didn’t take much persuading; – I think the idea of spending more time near Sam was very appealing to him.

While Dave went to the bathroom prior to us leaving the pub, I told Sam of a plan I had. My plan was that when we got back to our place, I would feign a headache, say I was going to take some sleeping pills and make my excuses to go to bed. This would leave them alone. I would leave the bedroom door open slightly so I could peek out and over the balcony where I would have a perfect view of the lounge sofa. She was to sit with him on there and see what happened. Hopefully, Dave would take advantage of the situation and I would be able to watch her get a good fucking.

We arrived back home after ten minutes in the taxi and I got us three beers from the fridge. We were sitting in the lounge chatting, Dave and Sam on the sofa and me in my easy chair when I announced I was experiencing a visual display and that this was the prelude to a migraine. I asked Dave if he minded if I took a sleeping pill and went to bed as this was the only way to avoid it. He waved me off saying I should do whatever it takes and not to worry, he would ‘entertain’ my wife. As planned, I went off to bed, left the door slightly ajar and waited. Sam left me for ten minutes and then made out to Dave that she was going to check on me, which she did. She popped her head around the bedroom door, winked at me and went downstairs to re-join Dave on the sofa, announcing to him that I was fast asleep and that I wouldn’t surface until morning.

This statement seemed like an instant green light to Dave and I saw his hand start to rub Sam’s thigh. I could hear them chatting but couldn’t make out what they were saying although it seemed to be getting quite intimate, with Sam giving the odd ‘girly giggle’ whilst tossing her head back and thrusting her tits forward towards Dave’s face.

It wasn’t long before Dave leaned closer, obviously to kiss her. They lingered for a moment as though Dave was waiting for rejection, but when Sam didn’t pull away he proceeded to kiss her. The kisses were gentle, sensual pecks at first, but before you knew it, they were snogging away. I began to wonder when they were going to come up for air, and then I saw his hand start to massage her tits and heard her moan into his mouth in response.

The sight and sound of them kissing was incredible. I saw my wife’s hand slowly start to massage Dave’s cock through his trousers and then she gradually undid his zipper and reached in to feel his engorged cock.

They broke their kiss and my wife pulled her top off and undid her bra. I watched as I saw her firm tits swing free from their prison. Before you knew it Dave had his head between them, with the nipple from one tit in his mouth whilst he rubbed the other between his finger and thumb.

Sam gently pushed him away and told him to stand up. He duly obliged and she began to slowly undo his trousers, which dropped to the floor with his underwear. Sam took hold of his cock as he stepped out of them and she began to slowly and rhythmically wank him. I heard Dave moan as he now stood before her, cock fully erect — and what a monster it was. It had to be 9 inches plus, with a good girth too. I smiled to myself as I anticipated seeing my wife rammed with this monster cock.

Sam was sitting on the sofa, just in front of Dave who was standing before her with his cock conveniently at the height of her mouth. I saw her hands reach around to his ass and pull him closer to her, as she kissed his balls and ran her tongue up the length of his shaft. She turned Dave slightly to one side, obviously to give me a better view as she slowly closed her full lips around the head of this enormous cock. Dave began to gently rock his hips backward and forward, gently fucking her gorgeous face as she took more and more of his cock into her warm accommodating mouth with each thrust.

Before long, she was deepthroating him down to the base of his shaft, something I would have considered impossible, but there it was. She blew him like that for a good ten minutes and then Dave, as if to get a better position to fuck her mouth from, placed one foot on the sofa and held onto the back of my wife’s head. He was really ramming it down her throat now!

Dave began moaning that he was going to cum, but she wasn’t having that, she was going to make this last as long as she could and she pulled him out of her mouth and held his cock tight around the base of the shaft.

After a few moments when the urge for Dave to cum had died down, she positioned herself kneeling on the floor, with her elbows resting on the sofa cushion. She motioned for Dave to come behind her, – she wanted to be fucked doggy style.

Dave didn’t need asking twice and within seconds his cock was sliding in and out of my wife’s now stretched pussy. I could hear her moaning, – familiar sounds and knew from hearing them that she was on her way to climax. Dave started pumping harder and faster and leaned forward to reach around her and hang onto her tits, which were swinging wildly with each thrust of his cock.

They fucked like that for a few minutes with the familiar sound of Sam cumming filling the room. Then they changed position again, – this time Sam motioned for him to sit on the sofa, which he did, cock pointing into the air like a divining rod. She then sat on it, facing him so her huge breasts were rubbing in his face. This was always my favourite position with Sam, because not only did you get to fuck her, but you had the added experience of burying your head in those wonderful tits at the same time.

She began riding him, slowly at first, but soon the pace picked up and I again heard the familiar sounds of moaning as she approached orgasm. They were now bucking wildly and I heard Dave say, “I can’t hold it; – I’m cumming.” With that there were a few dull grunts as he filled my wife’s cunt with his load. They both slumped on the sofa, staying in position with his cock buried deep in Sam’s pussy.

This remained the situation for about ten minutes and then Sam swung her leg over and off him and sat down on the sofa besides Dave. I watched as the kissing and fondling continued, their tongues swirling around each other’s mouths. Sam was again rhythmically tugging on Dave’s cock again; – it looked like she was after second helpings.

This was confirmed when she broke their kiss and went down on him again, taking his entire cock into her mouth. It didn’t look to me as though Dave’s cock had much life left in it, but after a few minutes of gobbling him, it began to stir. Dave pushed her back on the sofa so she was lying on her back and started to mount her in the missionary position. I heard him call her a “dirty slut” and tell her that he was going to send her upstairs to bed with her old man with a belly full of his cum.

She moaned approval at this and they were eyeball to eyeball as I saw him enter her again. She gasped as he did and within seconds Dave was giving her long slow strokes of his huge cock. She was squirming and moaning underneath him and before long Dave picked up the pace and was again ramming her hard, – so hard I thought they would break the sofa.

The fucking lasted longer this time, with Dave already having unloaded into her once; it was taking longer for him to get there again. This meant that Sam experienced several climaxes during the next twenty five minutes of fucking in varying positions. What surprised me was when Dave took his cock out of her cunt and pressed it against her ass.

Now Sam has never let me fuck her in the ass, every time I’ve tried, she would make excuses and push my cock away towards her pussy, but she didn’t push Dave away. They were now fucking doggy style and I could see Dave’s cock pressing against my wife’s pert little asshole. What amazed me was when I saw Sam’s hand reach back to accurately guide him in.

It took a little effort, but I soon saw the head of Dave’s cock disappear into Sam’s ass. I saw her tense up as he entered her, not knowing what to expect from her first anal fucking. “Slowly, slowly” I heard her say as Dave, gently, inch by inch buried his cock deep in my wife’s ass. I had never seen anything so sexy in my life and my own hard — on was raging from the sight which was now before me.

Gradually, and tenuously, they picked up pace and the ‘slowly, slowly’ message which Sam had been giving turned to one of “Oh yes, fuck me harder.” She was clearly enjoying her first anal experience and so was Dave who was grunting his approval and now fucking Sam as hard as he could.

Another few minutes of intense fucking saw Dave unloading another dose of cum, but this time deep in my wife’s ass. They uncoupled and both sat on the sofa side by side cuddling. I heard Sam say that she had never done anal before, but that she loved it.

Dave replied by saying that anytime she wanted more, just to shout out. He then asked if they could arrange a repeat performance sometime. It was then that Sam told him of our plan to seduce both him and Mary, but said that we weren’t sure how they would react.

The reaction Dave gave was surprising; – he said that he and Mary had been talking about swinging for some time now. They hadn’t actually done anything yet, but they both felt they were ready to take the plunge. Sam said to Dave that when I woke, she would tell me and that I would be pleased.

After a few more minutes of kissing and fondling, Sam made her excuses and came to bed to find me with a raging hard on. “Did you hear that?” she said.

“Oh yes” I replied, “It looks like I’m going to get to fuck Mary!”

“Never mind Mary” said Sam. “I’ve just had the most amazing ass fucking” and pointing at my engorged cock she said “and now I’m going to deal with this!”

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Was That A Trick or A Treat

Jon and I were always ones who made the holidays fun. I think we celebrated every single holiday there was in America. I think our personal favorite is Halloween now. It use to be Christmas, but a few years ago on Halloween we had a rather interesting experience that I think made it our favorite.

It was Halloween evening and Jon and I had finished decorating the house. We had plastic ghosts and witches hanging from the trees in our yard and green and orange lights lined our doors and windows. We had those jack-o-lantern lawn bags all over our yard filled with leaves and we had carved our own jack-o-lantern together and placed it on the front steps. I think we were the only people in the neighborhood that actually decorated. Jon and I huddled together in the front yard looking at the sight and holding each other tight.

It was already very cold in Michigan then, probably 40 degrees. Jon had his arms around me and had pulled me into his large trench type coat. “Well, it’s not scary” he spoke and I just giggled. I nestled into his warm comforting chest and pressed my hourglass figure against him. His hands caressed up and down my back slowly massaging and working into my muscles. Jon always knew how to relieve my tension.

We slowly made a lap around the house looking at our work. It was quickly becoming dark and Jon and I went inside to get dressed into our costumes. I slipped into this tight little short black dress and placed on the pointed black witch hat. I wore thigh high fishnet stockings and six inch black pumps and carried a little broomstick. Jon always called me his little witch.

Jon came out of the bathroom in full vampire gear. The cape was a bit short, but other than that he was gorgeous. I always wanted to fuck a vampire. To bad they are not real. Jon and I then made our way into our living room. We had set out several candy dishes for kids to collect their candy on their own outside and Jon and I were going to go down the street to the party at our friend Brian’s house. We left about 9:00pm walking down the sidewalk and admiring all the little ghosts, goblins, werewolves, vampires, ninjas, and princesses that strolled down the streets with their parents with bags full of candy.

We decided to cut through the wooded path to get to Brian’s house quicker and we huddled together as the cold wind chapped our faces. The path was very narrow and dark, but Jon and I had walked it many times before. When we reached the center of the path Jon stopped me and pulled me to him kissing me with his sweet tender lips. “I love you, Gena” he spoke to me and I smiled returning the three words with just as much sincerity. He held me there for a moment and we then turned to continue on the path, but when we looked up there before us was a man towering over the two of us.

He must have been at least seven foot tall considering he looked down at Jon and Jon was six foot two inches. He was dressed like Jon, but so much more believable. His hair was long and black and it cascaded down over his shoulders like a waterfall over rocks. His body was perfect, trimmed and fit so that his costume hugged him so tightly I could pick out each muscle in his abdomen. I shivered. This man was completely gorgeous, but something about him did strike me the wrong way. His eyes were very pale and yellow.

“Good evening” he spoke to the two of us and Jon smiled and returned the greeting extending his hand to the gentleman. The man took his hand and I could see the look in Jon’s eyes when he shook his hand. It was almost like terror.

Jon places his hand on mine and I felt that his hand was freezing cold and I looked at him and then to the man. “Can I help you?” Jon asked the gentleman still acting a little freaked out.

“Yes” the man, said, “Yes you can” he paused a moment giving us both a sly looking smile and then before I knew it he had grabbed me.

I was motionless in these creatures’ arms and though Jon attempted to free me from the man it was no use. His strength was incredible. “Don’t hurt her please,” Jon pleaded with him, but by then I had realized that the man’s intentions were not to hurt me. His hand had begun to caress my back gently as his other arm and the cape he wore circled around my body.

Jon stood there in horror not knowing what was going to happen, but for some reason I felt safe and I gave him a reassuring smile. The man’s hand had begun to wander around my form and, though hidden from Jon by the cape, his hand had begun to caress my right breast and pinch at my nipple. I must have squirmed a bit as this happened, but it was so pleasurable so different. This man was extremely gentle though wanting.

My back was pressed to him as he continued his assault on my form. The hand that caressed my back had now slid down my thigh and lifted my dress. His cold fingers caressed my inner thigh and teased my senses. I could feel myself growing wet as I looked at Jon. I did not know if he knew what was happening, but from the look on my face he must have seen that I was very pleasured.

The man’s hand found my silk panties and he rubbed my soft shaved mound through them. He had to have felt my warm juices seeping from me slowly and soaking my panties. I pressed back against him some and I felt his member pressing against my ass through his black pants. It seemed enormous. His hand ripped my panties from me and Jon must have seen him drop them to the ground because he jumped a moment, but then went back to watching.

This turned me on even more, having my husband watch as this man seduced me. The man’s fingers rubbed at my mound then parted my wet lips and began to slide across my throbbing clit. “Mmmmmm” I spoke, letting this escape my lips as he pleasured my love button. I found that I was grinding myself against his hand and then pushing my ass harder against his rock hard cock. My hand found it’s way there to his pants and I rubbed his erection through it as it begged to get out.

The man dropped the cape and now Jon could see what he was doing to me. Jon looked on as though he were watching some sort of porno movie as the man continued to work on me. His long thick fingers slid into my dripping wet hole and I moaned out like crazy. The man looked over at Jon and spoke “Come over here and help me” Jon obeyed as though he were too the man’s slave. Jon knelt to his knees and only after a second I felt his hot tongue sweeping across my clit.

The man stepped back and freed his cock from its bounds and walked back to me and turned me towards him and he stuck his cockhead against my lips. “Suck it you little witch,” he demanded and I without hesitation allowed my tongue to dart out to his member and begin to suck it. Jon let his fingers begin to roam about my pussy. He slid a couple fingers in then began to move them in and out of me. I was in ecstasy as I let the man’s enormous cock slide down into my throat. He was at least 10 inches, but somehow I managed to take him all in to where his balls were resting on my chin. As I sucked the man’s beautiful cock Jon positioned himself under me and began to eat my pussy like crazy. I trembled and shivered like mad as my juices spread across his face. I sucked harder and harder on the man’s cock and massaged his balls with one of my free hands. Jon ravaged my sweet pussy.

The man stopped me and looked down at Jon and said “Now I am going to fuck this little witch like she never has been before” Jon got out from underneath me and the man pushed me forward onto my hands and knees. “Suck your man’s cock,” he commanded and with that Jon freed his member and let it meet my face. I took it in quickly seeing Jon was unbelievably rock hard. The man positioned himself behind me and I could feel the head of his large cock probing at the entrance to my pussy. I pushed my body against him wanting that cock in my pussy so bad and he reacted by slamming it all the way into me as hard as he could.

I gagged on Jon’s cock as I went forward and the man began to slam me like crazy. Jon’s 8-inch prick twitched in my mouth as my tongue played all over it. I was moaning like crazy when I heard Jon actually get verbal. “God, Gena baby suck my cock, suck it like you never have before” I rammed his cock into my mouth taking it all into my throat. He shivered and moaned like mad as I did so.

The man continued to pound away at my pussy driving his cock further and further into my warm wet hole. He pounded so hard that it felt like he was going to rip me apart, but I was loving it. The harder and faster he went, the harder and faster I wanted it. He fucked me for several minutes then stopped and looked at Jon and spoke “Lay down for her so the hot little slutty witch can ride you.” Jon lay down and I crawled over to him and sat upon his cock impaling my pussy with it and began to ride him for all he was worth, but the man was not finished with his fun. I heard him approach me and felt his fingers rub against my clit scooping up some of my juices and he the rubbed it on my tiny little asshole.

I flinched a moment as I felt one of his long fingers invade my ass and lube the inside of the hole. “I’m gonna fuck this little slutty witches ass” he spoke as he kneeled behind me. I felt the humongous head of his cock probe against my small asshole and I shivered a moment as it did. He then with no mercy slammed his entire prick into my ass and I screamed out in pleasure now having both my holes filled with beautiful cocks. He pounded into my ass as I rode Jon’s beautiful cock.

I looked down at Jon as he spoke “Oh my god, baby, I can feel his cock in you. It’s rubbing against mine. “Oh my god it feels so damn good” Jon was getting close to coming I could tell and the man continued to fuck my ass hard and fast.

“Do you like this you little witch? Do you like having my cock in your ass and your man’s cock in your pussy? I know you like it you little slutty witch.” The man spoke as he slammed into my ass.

“Yes, oh my god yes” I replied, “Fuck me, fuck my ass, fuck my pussy, oh my god it feels so good” I spoke through my moans.

Jon’s cock began to twitch in my pussy and just as I noticed it he spoke “Oh god baby I am coming. I am coming in your hot little pussy” his neck arched back as he filled my sweet pussy with his seed.

At about the same time the man began to release his load into my ass saying “God yes…. I am coming in your ass you witch! I am going to fill it full of my come. ” He screamed out in ecstasy as I felt his load invade my ass. I myself came at that very moment as well all over Jon’s twitching cock.

I was looking down at Jon and screaming out like mad “I’m coming Jon, oh my god I am coming”

The man pulled his prick free from my ass and zipped up his pants and was gone in a flash. I stood up and looked at Jon as he put away he still semi hard member. I pulled my dress down and we turned around on the path and went back home. Jon kind of giggled to himself on the way there and as we walked into the door of our house he spoke “Well honey, did you guess that I knew that was going to happen?” he laughed again as I just looked at him. He then spoke again “I guess you got your Trick and your Treat.”

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Wife Drinking At The Strip Club

I am a 40 year old male who is married to a 34 year old woman named Cindi. She is 5’7″ 139 pounds, and blond with blue eyes. She wears her hair shoulder length. We have two young children and just don’t find the time to go out anymore. So this particular Saturday, we were able to drop off the kids at my mother in laws and go out. When my wife was getting ready to go, I walked in the bedroom and she had put on a blue jeans skirt, a white sweater blouse with no bra and black boots. She then said that she had a surprise for me and bent over while pulling up her skirt. She was wearing no panties and instead had on an all in one garment that was stockings with a garter belt attached. I pleaded with her to fuck me right then and there, but she said not now! 

We went to dinner at a nice suburban restaurant and my wife drank most of a bottle of Pinot Gris. When we left the restaurant, she was already buzzing and wanted to stay out later. We drove down the boulevard until we decided to go to this strip club that we had been to before. She likes to go there when she’s drunk. It’s not too bad a place actually, it’s clean and they’re friendly there. I thought this could get hot, my wife has no panties on and we’re going to a titty bar. It was however unlikely anyone would see anything as her skirt was down past her knees. 

So when we got there we went to a table back away from the stage. While we walked back there, I could feel all the men’s eyes on her. We ordered a drink and watched the show. They have 1 dollar vodka cranberry drinks there, and my wife took advantage of that. She was on her second drink before I had half my beer consumed. As she got drunker, she got more interested in the dancers. She started to go up to the stage to tip them and be closer to them. They strippers really took an interest in my wife’s attention. They seemed to pay her more attention than other patrons. They would lean in real close to her and dangle their tits in her face. My wife was loving it! I might add that the other men in the club seemed to like watching the dancers being flirty with my wife. She would occasionally come back to sit at my table, but as she drank that became less frequent an occurrence. There were times, I thought that she must be so drunk, she forgets I’m here too. 

Anyway, the fun really started when my wife went up to watch a stripper named “Siren” do her thing. She’s a tall very thin brunette with an amazing body. My wife has liked watching her before. The strippers would dance two songs at a time and were usually nude by the middle of the second song. On the second song, my wife tucked the dollar bill in her blouse seemingly to dare her to come get it. The surprise was how she got it. Rather than put her head down her blouse, she lifted her blouse retrieving the dollar and kissing both of her tits. All of the men’s eyes around the stage were glued on the two of them. Siren then pulled back and recovered her so that she could show some love to the other tippers. 

After her second dance she departed the stage and another brunette got up to dance. This one was more medium build with nice breasts. They were probably a full C cup bra. She also took particular interest in my wife. She was dangling her tits in her face and just being very friendly. The men loved seeing this, especially the older gentleman sitting next to her. He was grey, a little heavyset and probably in his sixties. He had spoken with my wife at times, leaning in closer to make himself heard over the music. After her two dances were over, I could just make out the dancer asking my wife if she could give her a private dance for free. She said she really wanted to dance for her. My wife was rather drunk at this point and was very agreeable. The two of them ventured back to the VIP area. 

The VIP area is nothing more than a separate area of the club with five foot walls surrounding it and leather couches all along the inside. I truly think my wife was completely wasted, because she didn’t say a word to me, she just got up and went back there. Being drunk, I think she forgot about me. When they went back there, they went in and disappeared below the wall. I got up and walked over there to the side where they would be and peered over the wall. I am 6’2″ so it was not difficult to see below. The bouncer came over immediately and asked what I was looking at. I explained it was my wife getting a dance and he understood and moved away. 

When I looked down, I saw my wife laying back on a leather couch, with the stripper hovering over her very close. Upon further examination, they were making out, and I mean sucking face passionately. My wife’s hands were squeezing her tits and I thought to myself, “holy shit this is hot!” Five feet to the right of my wife was another older gentleman, probably in his late 50s getting a lap dance also. He appeared to be wearing a wedding band, but was here alone. He would occasionally look over at my wife and seemed to find that as interesting as the woman dancing for him. The private dances lasted two songs at this club and I think he was on his last song while my wife was on her first. After a few minutes of sucking face and massaging each others tits, the stripper kneeled in front of my wife and guided her skirt up a bit. 

My wife was drunk as hell and I am not sure if she knew she was doing that or not. The stripper let out a soft squeal, and called Cindi a dirty girl when she discovered she had no panties on. She then moved back up over her and off to her side making out with my wife again, but now her hand disappeared up her skirt. Being up and behind, I couldn’t see up her skirt, but I am sure she was fingering my wife, due to the way I could see her breathing change. This lasted through the rest of the first song. When it was over the stripper for the guy left and he started to get up too, then leaned over and asked if he could watch them. I didn’t quite hear their response, but I think he liked it and sat down on the couch to the immediate right of my wife. Before he did, he caught a glimpse of me watching and looked at me questionably for approval, I nodded that it was okay with me. At the time, there was nobody else back there and my wife had no idea I was watching all of this as I was behind and above her behind the five foot wall. She was also so drunk, I doubt she even remembered I was there. 

As the second song begins the stripper is to my wife’s left making out with her and with her hand up her skirt that is pulled halfway up her thigh, while the older guy was sitting to her right, very close almost leaning into her. As my wife made out with the stripper, she was gyrating her hips slowly enjoying the hand of the stripper. The guy sitting to her right reached over and placed his hand on her stocking mid thigh. Feeling that, my wife pulled away from the kiss to see who that was and looked at him again. She smiled, leaned over and kissed him. My heart was racing because I was conflicted. I wanted to put a stop to this while at the same time, I was hard and wanted to see what she would do. She then kissed the stripper again and then back to the guy. She was in heaven. She then reached over and gently rubbed his groin which was bulging. He then moved his hand to her skirt and pulled upwards slightly. She helped him by lifting her butt a little bit while still kissing the dancer. He pulled up her skirt enough so that even I could see her pussy exposed now. His hand moved down and now both of them were rubbing her pussy. 

This was unbelievable to me seeing this. The dancer and the guy knew I was watching this and were giving me a great show. This guy was old enough to be her father and his finger was in her pussy. 

My wife still squeezing his bulge, prompted him to, with his free hand, to undo the button and zipper on his pants and pull out his dick, which was stiff. My wife grabbed it and squeezed it, then slowly stroked it. The second song was coming to an end, but I don’t think they much cared. When the third song began, the music was “girls, girls, girls” by Motley Crue and my wife was now kissing the dancer while still stroking his dick. While my wife’s head was turned he looked up and back at me again with a look like is this okay? I gestured it was nodding and he then got up somewhat and kneeled in front of my wife. He pulled her forward by the hips so that her hips were over the edge of the couch and while she was still kissing the dancer he pulled his bulging cock up and placed it at the entry way to her pussy. He then slowly guided it in and began to fuck my wife. Her legs were out to his sides and he was holding her by the hips. My wife, mother of two and devoted spouse was now getting fucked in a strip club by a guy old enough to be her father. Holy Shit that was hot. 

While he fucked her, she would occasionally look at him and then kiss the dancer again. About halfway through the song, she said she had to go get ready for her next stage performance and make some money. She said, “I’ll leave you two alone” and gave me a wink as she left. He then took her legs and put them up near her head and stood up so that he could fuck her plunging down deep into her pussy. As he fucked her, he now kissed her and would occasionally look up at me. Alcohol had turned my wife into a fuckslut. She was moaning and then told him to fuck her brains out. I nearly came in my pants. She was reaching out and grabbing his buttocks to pull his dick deeper inside her. Just then he arched his back and was cumming into her. (she had a tubal ligation, so I am not worried about pregnancy). He would thrust deep to shoot his load into her and then stopped altogether. 

They started to put themselves together and I went back to my table. She exited the VIP area and looked a little disheveled. She went right to the bathroom, no doubt to wipe up all the cum. When she came out, I met her at the restroom door and said hello. I said, “that must have been some dance, you were back there for three songs.” She said yes it was and that she really liked her dance with the stripper, but was tired now and wanted to go home. We did and when we got home, she passed out on the bed. I was sure to fuck her too, while she was out cold and shot my load up in her. 

The next morning, she seemed to not remember the night before. I wasn’t sure is she did or not, but she then asked me if we had fucked. I said yes. She said her pussy was all gooey and hairs were stuck together. What a night!

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