Category: creampie

Anal Fucking For the Office Slut

Being known as the office tease or slut doesn’t bother me, I enjoy sex a lot in all its forms so being known as promiscuous suits me fine as it means I get a lot of guaranteed action!

There was an occasion I remember well during a meeting, round a table of 7 people, my colleague to the right of me began feeling my leg. Most girls might feel this as an intrusion of privacy, I don’t, I love being fondled in inappropriate situations! Don’t get me wrong if I know the guy to be a creep I’ll brush him off but in most cases I’m all for some sexual groping!

My colleague, Scott, is a good looking, athletic guy. I knew he had a girlfriend but that was a minor detail and if he chose to feel me up and turn me on then that’s his prerogative! During the meeting his hand moved further up my stockinged thigh till it was at the top of my black stockings. During a part of the meeting where I was required to speak Scott un clasped my stocking and began to push it down my leg, knowing this would put me in an awkward situation at some point! I wasn’t annoyed, rather, very much turned on by this forwardly flirty behaviour!

As Scott moved his hand further up my thigh I spread my legs as wide as I could, giving him room to stroke my moist pussy through my lace knickers. He expertly rubbed me softly, locating my clit which was swelling under his perfect strokes!

The meeting came to an end and in effort to somewhat keep my decency and my job I stayed behind, pretending to sort my papers and notes. Scott left me with a wink and a smile. I redid the clasps on my stockings and fixed my tight pencil skirt which had ridden up. I had a quick feel of my pussy and right enough it was dripping wet!

Later, as I was leaving the office Scott came up to me and whispered that I follow him. I knew that this was going to lead to some sex and in the frustrated state I was in after the meeting I was gagging for a good slamming!

He led me into an empty office where he shut the door, pinned me against it and we kissed passionately. His hands were all over me, gripping my firm ass and feeling the curve of my back. It felt great and I was filling with lust fast! I dropped my bag on the floor and tried to undo his belt and trousers to free the swelling cock I could feel grinding against my stomach.

Scott pulled off my jacket as I took out his cock. I made to fall to my knees but as I did so he pushed me over to the desk and bent me over it. I looked over my shoulder to see him standing back admiring the view of me bent over the desk. Standing in my black high heels spread slightly apart, my long toned stockinged legs leading up to my tight pencil skirt, perfectly showing off the slight curve of my firm ass and my tailored blouse framing the curve of my torso. He was slowly stroking himself and his eyes were filled with lust.

He moved forward and sank to his knees to pushed his hands up legs, pulling my skirt up as he went. He then pulled down my knickers slowly and removed them from my feet. He then felt my ass with his strong hands, all over moving to my pussy lips and back round. Pulling apart my ass cheeks he kissed my ass and began to tongue my asshole. It felt so amazing, the nerves sent shocks of pleasure up my spine making me quiver with lust! Pushing two fingers into my pussy sent more shocks and really got my juices going!

As my asshole relaxed with his tongue teasing it Scott pushed his finger in and began to tease it wider! Once wide enough he stood up, spat into the hole and slowly but firmly pushed his sizeable cock into my tight ass. It sent me into a lustful daze! I could feel his every inch in me and with my asshole contracting he pushed harder and harder, heightening the pleasure!

Scott occasionally pulled out his meat to spit into the gaping hole, the cool of the natural lube sent shivers down my spine but in my aroused state it felt good! After what seemed an age of amazing anal, Scott pushing his large cock into my tight ass I could feel him grow even harder, this naturally felt even better bringing me close to a climax. Scott was obviously close too, telling my his groaning and swelling cock. All of a sudden I could feel the shots of warm spunk filling my ass. Scott his groaning immensely as he sent load after load of his hot cum into me. The feeling of this sent me into an orgasmic bliss, I screamed and bucked against him, pushing his meat further into me, making the orgasm so powerful!

Once Scott was done he pulled out his cock and watched me twitch in my post orgasmic state. I could barely support myself against the desk I was so weak. Once recovered I pulled down my skirt, adjusted my stockings and wiped up the spunk that was running down my leg with my knickers which I picked up from the floor. Scott smiled and took the knickers from my hand and pushed them into his pocket.

He left the office leaving me to ponder what just happened. Amazing anal in a colleagues office at work. What more could an office slut want!

The post Anal Fucking For the Office Slut appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Pulling The Bridal Train

Mary sat looking into the large mirror that rose above the antique dressing table and smiled at her image in the glass. She looked stunning with her golden blonde hair flowing down out of the wispy wedding veil, framing her creamy white cheeks in an almost angelic halo. Her silky white wedding dress dipped down in the front revealing her milky cleavage and she felt her breasts rising as her breathing grew short. Her nipples, always sensitive, reacted to her thoughts and rose up creating dimples in the otherwise smooth cloth that barely covered her breasts. She smiled at the sight, enjoying the idea of all of her guests seeing her like this.

It was still two hours before her wedding would start. Two hours and she would become Mrs. Greg Stevens. Her hair was not yet done up into the hairstyle she had chosen and she still had to put her makeup on, but still she was beautiful. Her face glowed with the inner happiness of knowing that a wonderful life was ahead of her. Greg was a kind and gentle man, who took her as she was and didn’t wish to change her. He was handsome, successful and very good in bed. Best of all he enjoyed her sluttish nature as much as Mary herself did. Mary smiled at herself and her own thoughts, beaming with delight as she studied herself in the mirror.

“Radiant!” Becky, her long time friend and bridesmaid, said as she looked over Mary’s shoulder. “You are radiant.”

“Well I’m supposed to be, aren’t I? In two hours I’ll be Mrs. Stevens. Newly married and headed to Paris for my honeymoon.”

“Paris is tomorrow honey. You spend tonight at the Palace Hotel, in the bridal suite.”

“Yeah, and what a night it’s going to be too!” Mary smiled broadly, showing her perfect white teeth before she turned serious and looked at her friend. “Can you believe I am actually nervous? I thought it was the groom that was supposed to be sweating.”

“Maybe you need something to take your mind off of it for a while. Want me to arrange something for you?”

“Ooh, you nasty girl. What did you have in mind?” Mary grinned at her friend.

“Well, let me get rid of your mother first. I’m sure that whatever I can come up with she’ll not approve.” Mary’s mother was the one who had insisted on having the wedding in a church, performed by her minister. Mary’s lifestyle really didn’t mesh very well with the traditional religious views, but she had given in to her mother, mostly because fighting would be futile anyway.

“That would be a start. She has been driving me crazy today. Where is she now anyway?”

“The caterer arrived and she is down stairs making their life a living hell.” Becky laughed. “They will probably kiss me when I send her off on an errand. Now let’s see. What do we need that’s important enough to require her personal care?”

“Here, ” Mary said taking off one of her shoes and twisting the heel roughly finally breaking if from the shoe, “send her down to the bridal shop to get this fixed.”

Becky laughed and took the broken shoe. “Perfect, perfect. It’ll take them a while to fix it. She won’t be back until just before the wedding starts.”

Just then a knock sounded on the door to the dressing room. “Are you decent in there?” A deep baritone voice called through the closed door. Greg’s father had the most sensuous voice Mary had ever heard and she felt a tingle start between her legs just from hearing his voice.

“Yes, but you can come in anyway.” She called out causing Becky to playfully slap her shoulder as the door opened.

Carl Stevens was a little taller than his son Greg, but had the same rugged good looks and the same large hands. Mary could only imagine that his cock was as big and beautiful as his son’s. The thought brought her nipples back to full attention and she smiled as he entered the room.

“Hi Carl, what’s up?” Mary said, taking the time to let her eyes drift down over his muscled chest, past his trim waist and onto the bulge in the tuxedo pants that he was wearing.

“Just checking to see if everything is okay.” Carl said, smiling at his son’s fiance as he noted her checking him out. She was beautiful and if half of what Greg said about her was true, then Carl was looking forward to having her in the family.

Becky held up the shoe. “Actually I was just about to send Linda on an errand. Would you like to stay here and keep Mary company until I get back?”

“Sure, no problem at all.” Carl felt his cock twitch inside his pants at the thought of being alone with Mary, even for a few minutes. Nothing had ever happened between them, but the sexual tension had been there for a long time. He shook his head, how could he think that, it was his son’s wedding day! And here he was thinking about a quicky with the bride.

Mary noted the twitch in Carl’s pants and smiled broadly. She had wanted to have him since the first time Greg had taken her to meet his parents. The opportunity had never arisen, however, but now she thought he might just be the distraction she needed. As Becky slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her, Mary twisted in her chair, pulling her legs out from under the dressing table. Her wedding gown was long in the back, trailing back into a long formal train, but the front was cut short enough to reveal her knees and as she turned she purposefully spread her legs and pulled the dress up just a little hoping to give Carl a flash of panty. Carl saw her turn and saw her skirt ride up but from his standing position he could only see about four inches above her knees. He smiled at her and moved to sit down on a small folding chair in front of her, hoping to improve his view.

As soon as he sat down Mary caught him off guard by raising one foot and setting it into his lap. “Would you mind rubbing my foot? Those shoes have made it sore.” She pouted, pursing her beautiful lips and batting her eyelids slowly. It was corny and Mary was sure that Carl saw right through it, but she didn’t care, it got his big firm hands onto her and that was what she wanted.

Carl started massaging her foot gently. He had definitely improved his view by sitting down and now he was able to see just a hint of white between her legs. Mary shifted in her seat, scooting down just a little, pushing her foot farther onto Carl’s lap and in the process she managed to spread her legs even wider and push her dress up a little farther. Carl almost choked. He could easily see her panties, even the small mounds made by her pussy lips were clearly visible. He continued stroking her foot, moving his hands up over her firm calf, loving the feel of her skin under his fingers.

Mary groaned a low moan of intense pleasure and leaned back slightly. She felt her pussy heating up and knew that she was getting wet. She hoped that Carl could see her panties, that he would notice the wet spot growing between her legs, maybe even smell the aroma of her sex as her excitement grew. She dropped her eyelids almost shut and watched him as he massaged her. He moved her foot deeper into his lap, letting his hands flow up her leg past her knee and onto her silky thighs before drawing them back down to her ankle. She stretched her foot a little pressing it into the growing bulge in his trousers, feeling his cock with her toes and he groaned in pleasure. Mary smiled and pulled her foot from his lap causing him to look up in alarm suddenly hoping he had not offended her. Maybe he had gotten the wrong signal. But his fears were allayed when she lifted her dress up, showing him her wet panties.

“Now you’ve done it Carl. Look at that, I’ve made my panties all wet. Will you help me get them off? I mean I can’t wear them like this. I suppose I’ll just have to go without.”

Carl grinned and immediately knelt in front of her. He let his hands slip up the outside of her creamy thighs to the thin strings that held her panties on. He pulled the wisp of material down slowly, inch by inch. His eyes never left her crotch as he breathed in her intoxicating fragrance. Her sex was in full bloom and as he lowered her panties farther he saw her swollen lips slightly parted below her carefully trimmed blonde pubic hair. Her clit was erect and flushed red with her excitement. As he continued to remove her panties he leaned forward and nuzzled her dripping pussy with his nose and mouth, drinking in her rich aroma, tasting her sweet juices on his lips.

Mary couldn’t take anymore so she dropped her dress down over his shoulders and pulled his head into her pussy. “Oh, yes, Carl. Eat me, lick my pussy, make me cum with your mouth. Mmm, I need to cum so bad. Oh yes, yes, fuck me with your tongue.” It felt so wicked to be doing this. Letting her fiance’s father lick her pussy in a church on her wedding day. Her mind reeled with the sheer eroticism of what she was doing. She felt like such a wonderful slut and she knew that Greg would be pleased when she told him the story.

Carl swirled his tongue into her pussy, letting it part her lips gently and then lifting it to flick it over her clit then quickly back down to stab into her sweet hole and taste her juices. His cock was fully erect now and uncomfortable inside his pants, but he wasn’t about to stop for fear that she would not let him resume. He sucked her clit into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue as he gently bit it and then he released her clit and sucked her engorged pussy lips letting her nectar flow into his mouth. He could tell that she was near orgasm from her breathing and the force her hands were putting on his head, but he didn’t let up. Instead he increased his assault, laving her obscenely and smearing her juice all over his face and bringing her to an intense climax that almost caused her legs to buckle.

She had just regained some of her composure when she heard the door to the dressing room open and then shut quietly. She looked up and saw Becky standing by the door grinning like a Cheshire cat. She raised a finger to her mouth, motioning for Becky to be quiet. Her friend took the hint quickly and stood without a sound watching as Carl performed his artistic cunnilingus.

Mary smiled at her friend and then looked back down at Carl. “Yes baby, that was so good, suck my pussy, make me cum again and again. You can do it, be my big daddy, fucking his daughter-in-law. I’m going to love being a part of your family. Oh, god, I need you to fuck me. Come up here and give me your cock, put your cum in my pussy so Greg can lick it from my pussy tonight, our wedding night. I want him to suck your cum from my pussy and to know where it came from. Please, oh please, fuck me now. Fuck me in my wedding dress. Oh yes, yes, yes.”

Carl was a little surprised by Mary’s coarse language but it just served to make him hotter. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore and he rose up in front of her. He grabbed her hair roughly and kissed her full on the lips, pressing his tongue into her willing mouth. As they kissed Becky moved a low coffee table around into a better position. Finally Mary and Carl broke the kiss and Carl realized they weren’t alone. He blushed and began to stammer an apology, but Mary grabbed his hand and held him tight, keeping him from leaving.

“It’s okay. She is a good friend. Now, are you going to fuck me or not?”

Carl stared at her and then looked over at Becky. Surprise and shock fought arousal on his face but finally his sexual needs won out. He watched as Becky helped Mary lay down on the coffee table, hiking her dress up around her waist and spreading her legs wide. Carl shook his head for a half second and then smiled and reached down and opened up his pants. He took out a cock that was longer and thicker than his son’s and he wasted no time moving between Mary’s legs and pushing his cock deep into her wet and ready pussy.

Mary gasped at the size of his cock and then smiled up at him. “Oh yeah, fuck me good with that big cock!” She moaned out as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him even deeper into her. It wasn’t the biggest cock she had ever had but it was big enough and she moaned loudly as he pushed himself deep into her waiting sex. They began to fuck wildly as Becky watched, smiling. They were so engrossed in their sex that they didn’t hear the soft knock on the door. Becky did and she quickly moved to intercept whoever was out there. It was Paula, Mary and Becky’s friend and fellow adventurer. Becky quickly pulled Paula into the room, pressing her hand over her mouth as she did and then an evil idea welled up in Becky and she grinned at her friend.

“You stay here and guard the fort while they fuck.” Becky whispered to Paula, “I’m going to see if anyone else wants to join the party.” Paula grinned at her mischievous friend but nodded and smiled at her. Becky slipped out the door and then made her way downstairs to where the caterers were setting up. After she was gone Paula locked the door and then went to Mary’s side and knelt down. She leaned over her friend and kissed her gently on the lips. Once again Carl was surprised and he almost panicked when he realized that the girl beside them was not Becky. This was starting to get a little weird, who would show up next? Not his wife, he hoped, but he was almost to the point of climax and couldn’t stop. Besides the sight of Mary and Paula kissing was a great turn on for him. He continued to fuck Mary, pumping into her with renewed vigor and eliciting small animalistic groans and grunts from her as his cock hammered into her pussy. Paula heard a light knock on the door and went to answer it just as Carl began to cum.

“Oh fuck, Mary, you are such a beautiful little slut. I’m cumming, do you want me to cum inside you?”

“Yes, fuck, yes, put your cum in my pussy. I want to feel your cum inside me as I walk down the aisle.”

It was too much for Carl and his cock exploded deep into her hole. He slammed forward, pressing as deep into her as he could and let his balls empty themselves into the hot confines of her womb. He stayed that way for a long minute, relishing the release of orgasm and then as his cock began to soften he pulled out.

“Next!” Becky had returned to the room and she pulled Carl away from Mary and a thin young man from the caterers stepped in and rammed his cock deep into Mary without any warning. Mary’s eyes went wide as she realized that the room was actually full of men with their cocks out, standing in a line to fuck her. She smiled and mouthed a silent “I love you” to Becky and then concentrated on the boy between her legs. He fucked her hard and fast and all too quickly he began to add his cum to Carl’s.

Immediately another man dressed in a dark suit stepped up. He was an older man, in his late forties or early fifties, but he hadn’t forgotten how to use his cock. He moved inside her, not just pounding, but really fucking her and Mary felt herself flow into her second orgasm of the day. The man between her legs felt her orgasm explode inside her pussy and was unable to hold back. He drove his cock deep into her messy hole and let loose a huge load of cum. Her pussy was so full of cum already that it began to leak back out of her used pussy, flowing down her thighs and over her round ass cheeks.

She moaned in erotic ecstasy as another young man wearing a tuxedo slipped between her spread legs and drove his cock into pussy. Becky came to her side as she was fucked again and Mary managed to grunt up to her friend.

“Who are all these men I’m fucking?”

“Wedding guests that got here early, caterers, and three guys from the wedding band. That’s the guitar player whose doing you right now. I’ve got fourteen men and two women who want to fuck you. Greg’s sister, Lynn, is here too. Are you up for it?”

“Mmm, yeah, you are the best Beck. Give me Lynn next, let her lick my pussy, ‘kay.”

“Sure baby, no problem.” Becky went to arrange the guests and noticed Carl sitting at the dressing table, his jaw hanging loose as he watched his son’s fianc‚ taking each man in turn. She stopped by him and grinned. “She is quite the little slut isn’t she?”

“She is beautiful. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life.” He said still staring at Mary.

“Yeah, I know.” Becky said with a smile.

When the guitarist had at last emptied his load into Mary’s swollen and very messy pussy, Becky guided a sweet looking girl with light red hair between Mary’s legs. The girl hesitated for just a second and then dove forward lapping at Mary’s dripping slit. She sucked and licked for all she was worth and bringing Mary to another orgasm. Becky saw her friend climax and then gently eased Lynn up and away, letting another man take her place. Lynn, leaned over and kissed Mary on the lips, letting her taste her own pussy juice on her face and tongue.

“Love ya sis!” Lynn said softly and then moved away as the next man began to fuck Mary with abandon.

He fucked her quickly and only took a couple of strokes before he filled her pussy with his cum and was quickly replaced by the next man in line. Then one of the men in line got a little impatient and he pressed his cock into her mouth. Mary took it down her throat easily, sucking him eagerly, and quickly bringing him off. She tried hard to swallow the huge load of cum that he shot into her mouth but some dribbled down her cheek. Paula was there immediately, licking the cum from her face, and keeping it from getting on her dress. Another saw what Paula was doing and stepped forward. He lifted Mary’s shoulders up and gently unzipped the back of her dress. Carefully he helped Mary pull her arms from the sleeves and then pushed it down. This not only kept it away from the cum on her face it also exposed her heaving breasts and the helpful man quickly knelt beside Mary and began to suckle her nipple.

Another man took his place in her mouth. He wasn’t quite all the way hard and Mary tasted pussy juice and cum on his cock as she sucked it. It only took a few minutes before his cock was hard again and he moved back into line to await his next turn at her pussy.

The next man who stepped up leaned forward and kissed her gently even though she already had another cock in her mouth. “Would you mind if I fucked your ass?” He asked her gently.

She shook her head around the cock and tried her best to smile at him. He apparently understood and raised both of her legs high in the air. He dipped his cock into her sloppy pussy once to lubricate it and then slowly began to push it into her ass. She moaned around the cock in her mouth as she felt her dark hole spread apart and allow the man’s cock to slide inside. He groaned at the heat and tightness of her ass and she playfully squeezed his cock inside her. It was too much for him and even though he had only just begun to fuck her he came hard, filling her bowels with his seed.

The next man didn’t ask permission, he simply lined his cock up with her now dripping ass and pushed inside. Mary screamed in pleasure as she felt the assault but the cock in her mouth muffled her cries. The new man lasted longer and was able get into a steady rhythm fucking her ass. The second woman, an older lady with just a hint of gray in her hair knelt beside Mary and began to lap at her pussy as the man continued to pound into her ass. Soon Mary felt another orgasm rising from deep inside her and she relaxed and let her climax sweep her along. After that it was just a progression of men choosing to fuck either her sloppy ass or her sloppy pussy and a few women or men sucking her pussy or tits. Each man after he finished fucking her pussy or ass would move up and push his cock into her mouth letting her lick and suck her own juices from them. She lost count of the men who fucked her but she was sure that it was more than the fourteen that Becky had promised, finally the last man shot his cum deep into her pussy and pulled out. Becky and Paula shooed the men from the room telling them that it was time to get Mary ready for the wedding and then the three girls were alone.
“Wow, that was fantastic!” Mary said once she had caught her breath. “I don’t know how many orgasms I had, but I feel great!”

“Not just a little sore?” Paula asked smiling.

“Mmm, maybe a little, but it’s feels great!”

“Well the ceremony starts in thirty minutes so we better get you ready.” Becky said, already fussing with Mary’s hair.

They worked quickly and right on time Mary’s hair and makeup was done and her mother showed up with her shoe fixed and ready to go.

“Oh dear you look so beautiful. My sweet innocent daughter! What am I going to do without you?” Linda began to sniffle and she didn’t really understand why Becky and Paula giggled and turned away quickly.

The music started and Mary, walking a little bowlegged, and Becky quickly headed down the stairs to get into position. Mary’s father, old and stodgy but terribly sweet, waited to give her away and Mary wondered if he could smell the sex that was still wafting up from her used pussy. In a dream Mary floated down the aisle, all eyes were fixed on her and soft murmurs of “Oh how beautiful she is,” followed her as she made her way to Greg and his best man, waiting with the minister. As she drew nearer she looked up and with just a little start realized that the minister was one of the men who had fucked her less than an hour ago. Some of the cum that was leaking down the insides of her thighs was probably his. She couldn’t wait to tell Greg she had fucked the minister, and Carl, and so many others. She couldn’t wait to let her husband eat their cum from her pussy and then fuck her good.

The minister smiled at her and a tinge of red showed in his cheeks but she smiled and winked at him. When the ceremony was through she kissed Greg passionately and then whispered into his ear.

“You’ll never guess what I did today. But I’ll tell you all about it once we’re alone.”

Greg just smiled and kissed her again. “I’m looking forward to hearing about it.” He said as they turned and were presented to the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stevens!

The post Pulling The Bridal Train appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Whore Night

My wife is petite, blonde, 45 years old and looks mid-thirties. She and I have been married six years and have lived out our fantasies for the last three years. We are constantly making bets and Cherie uses her body as her wager. When she loses five times in a row I win the jackpot, and we play a little game we call “Whore Night”. Cherie likes this game because I “make” her do things she wouldn’t do otherwise. She can be a real slut without having any guilt.

Last month I won big, and told my darling she would be dressed to thrill by 7:30 because I had big plans for her. I have a particular fascination with watching my little whore display her body and suck off several men. I had a friend with a nice house and several friends very ready to meet Cherie. At 8:20 we pulled into his driveway.

Lee met us at the door and led Cherie and I back to the den. Three men in their late 40’s or early 50’s were waiting for us. Lee made introductions and I told the men that Cherie was there to entertain them. I had Lee put on some music and told Cherie to do a striptease for us to start the evening. Cherie had on high heels and a long dress that buttoned up the front. After one song she was out of the dress and dancing in her black “merry widow” corset and stockings. After the second song I stopped her and had her pick a number between 1 and 20, then had the men guess the number. She picked 4, and two men guessed 3 and 5. I told them 4 was the number so they could both help her out of her panties.

Lee grabbed one side of her panties and Jay grabbed the other, then both slid the panties off her hips and down her legs. All the men leaned forward to look at her shaved lips and the little tuft of hair above her clit. I had Cherie walk around the room and show her pussy to each man. I stopped her after the first man and told her she was to put one foot up on the couch or chair next to each man so they all had a good look at her pussy. I also encouraged the men to stick a finger in her pussy to see how hot dancing naked made her.

Cherie never made it around the whole room. The third man (Bill) put his finger in her pussy and asked when she was going to suck him. Cherie said “Right now, Honey”, and knelt in front of him. She unzipped his pants and pulled his prick out, then started licking his shaft and head. After a few licks Bill said “I’m going to cum”. Cherie pulled him out of her mouth and told him to cum on her boobs. A few more times she bobbed her head on his shaft and then let his cum splash onto her chin and boobs. Jay was next to Bill and in a few minutes his first load of cum sprayed her chest.

Jerry stood up as Cherie moved over in front of him. He dropped his pants and Cherie was surprised to see a prick that was easily 9 inches long. She had him sit back down, then raised up on hands and knees to make it easier to swallow his shaft. Jerry put his hands behind her head and urged her to suck as much of it in her mouth as possible. Cherie worked and worked at that big prick and finally managed to take all of it in her mouth. She rocked back and forth on that monster and Jerry’s first spurt went down her throat. Fortunately, she was able to pull his prick out and the rest of his cum splattered her face and chin.

Lee was next and, because of her talented mouth, soon sprayed his first load on her chin and tits. Finally it was my turn. I let Cherie suck my prick into her mouth and swirl her tongue around it. She withdrew it from her mouth and stroked it a few times. “Where do you want to cum, Mister? In my mouth? On my face? How about all over my tits? I like hot cum on my tits. It makes me feel hot and horny. It makes my pussy drip”. I told her she was to suck me, take the first spray down her throat and the rest on her face. She stroked me a few more times and then sucked me directly into her mouth. In several strokes she was bumping my groin with her nose and my prick was going down her throat. As I started to cum she took the first jet in her mouth and the next four jets on her face and chin. She rubbed my prick on her face and finally opened her mouth to show me my cum. She smiled and swallowed.

I let my darling rest a minute and brought out a 10 inch dildo that I told her would be part of the next round of entertainment. This dildo is Cheries’ favorite pussy toy, and she had named it “Johnny”. Johnny had given her hours of pleasure. I told her she would be having Johnny in her pussy soon. Lee brought out a large comforter and placed it on top of a table. I had Cherie climb up on the table and I put Johnny in her hand. Cherie licked Johnny a few times and guided him to her pussy. I brought three pillows and raised Cheries’ head and chest so she could watch Johnny going in and out of her pussy. Cherie started moving her hips and lifting her butt off the table. In a few minutes she rolled her legs back and up and started climaxing. This was too much for the men gathered around the table, and they started grabbing her nipples and fondling her body. Cherie had several major orgasms, then almost fainted.

I let her rest a few minutes, then helped her off the table and to the bathroom so she could clean up. The cum on her face and boobs had dried and her pussy had made a big wet spot on the comforter.

When she returned from the bathroom I had Cherie come back to the table and bend over it. I tied her hands together and tied the rope to the other end of the table. I tied each of her legs to one of the table legs, and had her totally spread and available.

“Cherie, up to now it has been a game. Now it is serious. Each man has paid me $100 for a night of fun with you. They will only wear condoms if I decide to allow anal sex. Each man is married, does not fool around and does not have any diseases. They are all going to fuck you and cum in your tight little pussy. After they are all finished, you are going to suck them clean, and thank them for a good time. This is what whores do. Do you understand?”

We started around the room again and Jay had Cherie first. He held his prick out to her and she turned her head away. I stepped back behind her and spanked her butt 10 times. Jay again held his prick out to her and she slowly reached out her tongued and licked his prick. He moved behind her and started pushing his stiff cock into her pussy. In a few minutes Jay shot a load of cum into her. Cherie had reached the point of her climax, then Jay had cum and she was left waiting. Lee had seconds and he too had Cherie lick him before trying to push into her pussy. Cherie had no problem licking Lee and begged him to fuck her. He too brought Cherie up to a climax, but she still did not have her orgasm.

“Jerry, I have to have your monster cock in my pussy, please. Please.” Cherie was actually begging to be fucked.

Jerry slipped his cock from his pants and Cherie asked him “Please let me suck it just a minute, then fuck me with that monster”

Jerry shoved his prick into Cherie and she started crying and humping back at him. He worked his prick in and out and Cherie started moaning. “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

Cherie had two big orgasms before Jerry sprayed her pussy with cum. She looked over at Bill and said “Fuck me, please. Please fuck me.”

Bill lasted a long time and Cherie had another climax and a big “thriller” orgasm. Finally it was my turn. Cherie looked at me with bright eyes and said “If you pay me another $100 you can fuck my ass.”

I told her “I’m going to fuck your ass tomorrow because your pussy will be too sore from all the fucking tonight.”

As I slipped it in her hot little pussy I could hear the other loads squish back and forth. I lasted longer than Bill and drove my little whore to two big thrillers before I dumped my load in with the other loads of cum.

It was 1 a.m. when we untied Cherie from the table. She collapsed to the floor and rubbed her feet and legs. I pulled the comforter off the table, and folded it as a cushion. “Cherie, get on your knees. You are to suck each man clean, then thank him for fucking you.”

She licked each man and said “Thank you for the good fucking.”

On the way home Cherie said “Thank you for the good fucking. Can we do this again, please?

The post Whore Night appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Short Skirt

“That’s not short!” Snorted our new friend Ian, as my wife paraded in front of us. Joy stopped and looked at us all. I was sat grinning and Sarah, Ian’s wife was too.

“You said you were going to wear a short skirt to the party” Ian continued to wind up my wife.

My wife stood before us in a blue suit with a skirt about 2 inches above her knees. It showed her long legs off really well and I knew she felt good in it.

“Not short enough eh?” She shot back at him, “you just wait!” With that she stormed from the hotel room and disappeared.

The three of us laughed as she left and wondered what would happen next. It had all started when we arrived at the hotel a week back to find that there was a celebration party in the hotel for the guests. It was the tenth anniversary for the present owners and they were having a lavish bash.

We had met Ian and Sarah early on and got on really well with them. I had watched Ian looking longingly at Joy from our first meeting. He kept stealing looks down her cleavage and at her legs whenever he had a chance.

One night after sex, I quizzed my wife about him.

“Would you fuck Ian if you got a chance?” I ventured.

“Mmm maybe” she replied and I got hard again…

The skirt thing had started because we had all been talking about what to wear. Ian had badgered her into wearing a “Short” skirt and Joy had said she had intended too. Ian clearly thought it wasn’t short enough!

When Joy came back into the room we all sat stunned. She had cleverly pinned the skirt up until it was just decent enough to go out in, if you had the bottle!

“Now you’re talking girl!” Grinned Ian, “fabulous legs!”

“Like it?” Joy queried as she strutted in front of us.

Ian and I just ogled my wife and it was Sarah who spoke.

“Wear that and you might get more than you expect!”

We all giggled and Joy said, “OK, this then” and left the room.

I was a little embarrassed and glanced across at Sarah. She had slipped a hand into her man’s lap and was gently stroking his erect cock through his trousers.

Sure enough, on the night of the party Joy wore the skirt. When we entered the ballroom, we spotted Ian and Sarah right away. Joy was watched by most of the men present as we moved over to Ian’s table. He watched her intently, his eyes fixed on her long legs.

The party was filled with guests some in nice revealing outfits like Joy’s but none quite as short.

Sarah had a cocktail dress on which exposed her nice cleavage. It wasn’t long before the dancing started and Ian monopolised my wife neatly. At one point Sarah leant over to me and said, “I think my husband wants to fuck your wife.”
< (more…)

Black Dance Floor

Saturday night at last! She’d been counting the days all week. It wasn’t that often they got out anymore, finances being tight but they’d promised themselves a night on the town with friends and it was finally here.

She’d been rummaging through her wardrobe to find some suitable clothes. A few bars first but maybe a club afterwards? She’d need some flashy gear to suite all possibilities. A dress, yes a dress . She hadn’t had an excuse to wear one for a while. Jeans and tops were her norm. A soft blue summer number seemed appealing. Lifting it off the hook she let her dressing gown slip to the floor. Slipping it on she was delighted to see it still fitted okay. Could she get away without wearing a bra? Fuck yes she thought to herself as she cheekily cupped her breasts.

She was still admiring herself in the mirror when her boyfriend shouted upstairs that the taxi was here. Bloody hell, it’s early she thought. Finding a small blue g-string she slipped it on. Then her favorite black, strapped shoes and she was done.

“You got some money James?” she yelled out as she went downstairs.

“Yeah, now hurry up Sarah! ” came the reply.

One last glimpse of herself in the mirror as she walked out the bedroom. She comically threw her head back and lifted her leg backwards like the old time actresses did in the movies and blew herself a kiss. She felt sexy tonight!

They got into the back of the cab together. The Indian cab driver eyeing her up as she slid over. She noticed his stares and grinned to herself. She secretly got off on lurid glances from other guys. As they traveled to the pub where they were to meet their friends, her boyfriend continuously ran his hand up and down her thigh. Nibbling her neck and whispering in her ear.

“You look so sexy tonight honey. I don’t know why we had to come out, we should have stayed home and fucked all night!”

“Easy tiger … later!” she purred back whilst teasingly stroking the bulge in his trousers.

All this did not go unnoticed by the cabbie. He had a wicked view of her g-string every time her man’s hand ran up her leg. His own cock was hard and he had his hand in his pocket rubbing himself off as he’d done countless times before when he had attractive ladies in his cab. He knew what he was going to fantasize about later when he jacked off.

They arrived at the bar and joined their friends inside. Another two couples – old friends who it was good to see again. Lots of idle chit-chat. Catching up on gossip and plenty of drinks. The evening was going well and as usual the girls and guys got together in same sex groups. The girls fancied a club for some music and dancing and the guys agreed as it was an excuse for more drinks!

A short cab ride to the city and an expensive entry fee and they were all in. The girls hit the floor and the guys settled by the bar. Everyone checking out the talent walking by. Men drooling over the scantily clad chics and the girls admiring sexy asses and smooth dancers.

Sarah left her girlfriends on the dance floor and went to the bar to order a bottle of water.

“I’ll get that for you gorgeous” came a strange voice.

She looked around to see a tall black guy grinning at her.

“I’ve been watching you out on the floor, you can really move” he continued his attempted seduction.

“No your okay, my boyfriend’s paying” she quickly replied and pointed over to the bar.

He didn’t seem fazed and didn’t even bother looking. He just eyed her up and down blatantly and smiled.

“Well, as your man’s busy over there, you wanna get busy with me?”

She went to speak…

“On the dance floor I mean” he finished.

She paused for a while. He was attractive and she loved to dance. Plus her already sexy mood now fueled by alcohol made her actually entertain the idea.

He stepped towards the floor and stretched out his hand.

“You coming gorgeous?”

She took an hesitant step, he took her hand and led her off into the darkness of the club. They walked quite away through the throbbing masses of people. She was a little drunk and quite disorientated and couldn’t quite place where she was going.

“Do you want to dance or walk a marathon?” she asked pulling his hand.

“Quieter floor space over here” he laughed.

He walked again and she followed. They were at the back of the club now right by the emergency exits. There were still quite a few people there but more room to move.

They danced to a couple of songs together. She enjoyed the music and he enjoyed the sight of this hot little white girl shaking her stuff in front of him. He drank in the view. She was 5 foot 6″, slim, short light hair, nice firm tits all wrapped up in a tight dress. Her toned smooth legs ending in those sexy heels. His cock was hard.

He moved in closer and put his hands on her hips and swayed to the dance beat with her. That’s okay she thought, just hands on my hips. She continued to dance. He read this as a good sign. He stepped in closer and slipped his hands round onto her ass finding her tight cheeks.

“Easy there” she said and attempted to step back a little.

He held her close.

“Thought you liked to dance? This is how we dance here” he teased.

He gripped her little ass tight and pulled her quickly up against him, lowered his hips and ground his cock into her.

This was a little too heavy for her. She’d flirted a little with guys when she was out with friends, even the occasional drunken kiss but there was no doubt what this guy wanted! Although the hard meat in his trousers grinding against her clit was sending wicked sensations through her.

She wasn’t pushing him away. He interpreted this as another good sign. The little devil that had sprung up on her shoulder was telling her to have one more dance and a kiss if that’s what he wanted. She was in a crowded place and she could call a doorman over if she wanted him to go. He was good looking … yes one more dance.

“Okay, one more dance then I’ve got to get back to my friends” she smiled as she said this but her moist pussy was disagreeing.

“Cool baby” he said and pulled her further into the darkness.

They were right at the back edge of the floor now. He continued to hold her tight against him as he squeezed her ass. His mouth dropped to her neck and he licked her damp white skin. She moaned and tilted her head back. He raised his head and kissed her, she responded. His tongue filled her mouth as he grunted and pulled her in tighter still.

His pre-cum was soaking his underwear and her juices had soaked the small piece of material covering her pussy. He let his hands slip down her legs then back up under her dress once again gripping her ass. This time she didn’t seem to mind. He continued his forceful kiss and pulled her cheeks apart. He ran his finger down the crack of her ass pushing the strap of her g-string aside until he found her asshole.

She broke off the kiss.

“Hold on, what are you doing?” she knew full well but this needed to stop now.

“But don’t you like this girl?” he pushed the tip of his finger into her ass.

She jerked forward. Shit it felt good she thought. She opened her mouth to speak again but he quickly leant down and silenced her with a hungry kiss. Pushing his finger a little deeper into her sweet white ass. He felt her moan as he kissed her. He knew she was his now.

He broke off the kiss and looked at her as he finger fucked her tight little ass right there on the dance floor. She closed her eyes and let the dirty feelings she was experiencing take over. He took her hand and slipped it down into his trousers. She felt the sticky knob of his hard cock on her fingers. He let her hand go and she slipped it down further to the base of his shaft and then began to wank him off inside his trousers.

He joined in the moaning as they both pleasured each other in the dark club. But he wanted his cock to feel the wet flesh of her little white cunt stretching around it. He scanned around for a spot to take his prize. He leant back to look and rested against the rear exit doors. One opened. He peered out to see that it led to a small car park, probably for the staff.

He took his finger from her ass and withdrew her hand from his trousers.

“Come on sexy” he took her hand again.

He looked around again, no doormen watching. He slipped out with her and pushed the door to. The car park had no lighting and there was no-one around. He grabbed and kissed her again. Walking her backwards until they bumped up against a car. He shuffled her legs apart with his knee and ran his hands up her creamy thighs to her g-string. He quickly hooked his thumbs into it and yanked it down. She kicked the unnecessary garment off and leaned back letting her new lover do as he would with her.

He pushed a long, black finger into her little juicy white pussy. She sighed and rested her hands on his shoulders. He worked his finger in and out of her. Her juices running down his knuckles and dripping off onto the gravel. She was so wet.

“You like that huh?” he teased.

“OOH fuck yes!” she hissed back.

He stood back a little to watch as he fingered his new conquest but her dress was blocking his view. He stopped and stepped back.

“Don’t stop!” she almost begged.

“I want to see your sexy little body girl, take your dress off for me!”

All thoughts of what was right and wrong had left her now. She just wanted those fingers, his tongue, his cock! Deep inside her. She slipped off the shoulder straps, let the dress fall to the wet ground and stepped out of it.

Man, she look good!

“Show me how wet you are baby!” he ordered.

She put her leg up onto the car showing him her saturated hole. He unzipped his trousers and slid them down to his ankles along with his shorts. Grabbing his dark cock he started to wank himself as he watched.

“I’m gonna fuck you so hard bitch!” his eyes were on fire.

“You want this?” he jeered pointing his cock at her.

“Yes, fuck me. FUCK me now!” she ordered whilst she opened her legs and slid back onto the bonnet of the car.

He stepped forward out of his trousers. He held her thighs wide open. His cock resting on her belly.

“Put it inside you” he told her.

She reached down and took his meat in her hand. She lifted her head and they both watched as she fed his big, black cock into her white, sopping pussy. This was no sensual screw – it was a raw fuck! He instantly started slamming into her. If she had complained he wouldn’t have stopped. He just fucked his hard 8 inches into her. It was animal. Insults and submissive replies flowed from their lips:

“You like your dirty white cunt fucked by black cock don’t you?”

“Yes, don’t stop. I want it!”

“You are such a cock whore!”

“I know. Fuck me, fuck me!”

“I’m gonna baby. I’m gonna fill you full of my cum!”

This pushed her to yet another orgasm. She tensed and bucked on his cock. That was a big one and it really turned him on. He lifted her up a little and pushed his finger back into her ass.

“That’s so fucking good” she cried out wriggling on his cock and finger.

She’d always loved anal sex with her boyfriends as she had a very sensitive asshole.

“You like that huh slut?”

She just moaned and shuddered. He pulled his tool from her and lifted her legs higher.

“I’m gonna fuck me some white ass now bitch!”

He pushed the tip of his cock into her puckered ass hole. It went in easily and she didn’t flinch. He pushed forward firmly impaling her onto his shaft.

“That’s it yeah… fuck my ass!” she begged.

He pumped her fast. Her fingers went to her clit as his disappeared into her pussy. She came again. Her juices dripping down onto the cock that was violating her ass. Lubricating it as they fucked.

He was in heaven and was close to cumming. He had always had a thing for sexy little white girls’ feet. He took her toes into his mouth and feasted on them as he fucked her ass. His thrusts faster, deeper. She knew he was close and worked her fingers faster on her clit. She egged him on. She wanted his cum.

“That’s it baby shoot it, shoot your cum!”

That was it for him. He let her toes slip from his mouth as he cried out. He lurched forward pouring his hot, thick cum deep into her ass. She wrapped her legs around him as his body convulsed from his orgasm.

He looked down at his panting bitch. She was feverishly flicking her clit. Her eyes closed as she brought herself off one last time.

“Liked that dance?” he smiled.

She made no reply as she was still coming down from her orgasm. He pushed her hips as he stepped, sliding her off his cock making her wince a little. She slithered down slowly from the car, picked up her dress and slipped it on. She pulled up her g-string but the thin back piece did little to cover her gaped ass hole.

He grabbed her arm.

“You are one dirty bitch and you have one lucky boyfriend.”

He kissed her again.

“Gotta go” she replied then tentatively stepped back through the emergency exit into the club. Her pussy and ass throbbing from her illicit sex. The strange guy’s cum still hot in her little ass.

She saw her friends.

“Where’ve you been honey?” James asked her.

“Oh out to get some air” she blatantly lied.

He patted her on the bum. She bit her lip. She saw her black stranger walking to the exit on the other side of the room. He winked at her and she grinned.

James leant forward and whispered into her ear.

“I’m gonna fuck this tight, little ass later Sarah.”

She giggled out loud.

“Yeah?” she looked at him.

“We must get out more often babe” and then she kissed him.

The post Black Dance Floor appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Wife Learns To Make Creampies

As we prepared for my upcoming office party, Tammy looked for some pie recipes.

Tammy is my wife and she also happens to be absolutely beautiful.

As she looked through her cookbooks, she kept frowning.

“I can’t find any good recipes. They all seem so average.”

I told her to try the Internet for some ideas. She wanted to bake a cream pie or something like it for the party. She sat down at the desk and began typing.

I heard her say, “Oh my gosh!”

When I turned and looked at the computer screen, there were some pornographic pictures on it.

“I don’t know what I did?” she said.

I looked at her search and she had spelled “creampie”. I told her that she had left off a space between the two words.

A creampie must be something that is X-rated. I also noticed that she still hadn’t closed out the search. In fact, she seemed mesmerized by it instead.

“Can you believe this stuff? It says here that a creampie is when a man ejaculates inside a woman and then they watch it drip out,” said Tammy.

I leaned over her shoulder and hoped that the topic would get her excited. I knew we had plenty of time to fool around and I was always ready.

I said I wanted to see what she was looking at also.

As she scrolled through, she stopped and clicked on a site and said, “Let’s see what this is all about?”

This was unusual for her. Tammy and I never looked at porno on the computer together. I could tell that this was getting to her. I figured I’d make a move on her soon.

The site that she had clicked on had pictures of beautiful women who had semen running out of them.

When she saw a picture of a woman squatting over the mouth of another woman, she said, “Oh that is so nasty. Can you imagine being the woman underneath her?”

I figured I’d just go along with what ever she said. So I told her that all that cum must be nasty tasting.

She turned to me and said, “How would you know?

I meant the two girls being together. Not the taste of the cum. You don’t mind it at all when I swallow it. Do you think it’s gross for me to swallow your cum?”

I figured I’d better fix this or else she’d never swallow for me again. I told her all I meant by that was that there was a lot of it.

She said, “So you don’t think it tastes bad?”

I reminded her that I wouldn’t know.

She seemed satisfied with that answer. I thought I was off the hook.

She kept looking at this particular site and then clicked on the story button. Moments later she told me, “There’s a story about a husband who will eat his wife’s creampie here.”

As she read it to me, I stood behind her and rubbed her tits. Her nipples were hard like pencil erasers. I kept rubbing them until she got real hot.

I got an idea and moved around in front of her.

“Why did you stop?” she said.

I told her to scoot forward in the chair and relax. I knelt down in front of her and between her legs. I lifted her sundress and leaned forward.

When I found her panties, I saw how soaked and fragrant they were.

I heard her say, “I’m so horny.”

Of course, I already knew that.

As I removed her panties, she lifted her feet up to assist me. I slid them over her legs and then I removed her sandals. As I moved in to start eating her, she asked me to stop.

“Get under the desk and eat me as I read. This way I can pretend you are really eating my creampie. This is so exciting.”

This was very out of character. I loved eating her box but this seemed like she was using me to get her off as she read porno on the computer. None the less, I slid under the desk.

She pulled her chair forward and slid to the edge. “Now hurry, please eat me!” she urged.

I leaned in and first inhaled. Her musky fragrance was overpowering. She was trimmed up and glistening. I pushed my tongue in deep. She was so hot and juicy. I heard her start moaning.

I sucked and licked her through several stories, not just that one. Finally, she must have put the mouse down because she grabbed both sides of my face and pulled me into her.

“Ohhh… here I cum. Suck my creampie. Swallow all that cum” she cried.

She was still fantasizing about being eaten with a load of cum in her. I never saw her so excited. I sucked her clit hard and then went back to her hole while I used my fingers on her clit.

She came harder than I’d ever seen. Her pussy clenched my tongue as she gripped my head with her hands and between her thighs.

She finally let go and I tried to push the chair back so I could stand up. My cock was as hard as a rock.

Instead she pushed me back and said, “Where are you going? I want to read another story.”

After one more story and her having one more orgasm, she let me crawl out from under the desk.

“Reading this stuff gets me hot. If you’ll eat me from now on under the desk while I read, you’ll definitely get lucky more often.”

I nodded my approval and pulled my shorts down to present myself to her. I was desperate for relief after the nearly forty five minutes under the desk eating her wet box.

She stood up and pushed me into the chair. She kneeled down and began to lick my pole. It was leaking cum and bobbing in the air.

She engulfed my prick with her full red lips and slid them down until she had me completely in her mouth.

I felt her tongue sliding from side to side on the bottom of my cock. She started massaging my swollen balls as I gently began thrusting into her mouth.

She kept up her rhythm as I kept up mine. I knew that after a few minutes, I would have to explode.

I told her to stop, if she didn’t want me to cum yet.

She pulled me out of her mouth and said, “Please, cum in my mouth, I want to taste you.”

That was it. She slid me in deep and began sucking me as if to quench her desire. I clawed at the chair as my cum was being drawn up out of my balls.

I thrust my hips up and started to cum. I felt wave after wave shoot in her mouth. She kept swallowing until I was drained.

I looked at her face and there was my cum on her lips and chin.

She said, “Wow, you must have liked those stories also. You came like a horse.”

I was empty. I just lay in the chair and listened.

She said, “I feel so good, I want more of this, Okay?”

I knew she meant tonight, so I agreed. Then she leaned in and gave me a sloppy kiss. She sucked on my tongue passionately. I tasted a faint hint of my cum still in her mouth.

After the kiss, She looked at me and said, “I’m so glad you’re not afraid of a little cum. I could never enjoy swallowing again if I knew you thought that it was gross. I love you.”

If kissing her after she had swallowed a load of my cum made her love me, how could I refuse.

We cleaned up and she went back to her recipe book as I watched some TV. Tammy announced she was going to the store.

While she was out, I went back to the computer to look at the creampie site. There were loads of pictures of women with cum dripping out of them. I started getting an erection.

All of a sudden the door swung open. I had forgotten to lock the door.

It was Tammy. “I forgot the recipe.”

She looked over at me by the computer with a hard on. She recognized the site and smiled. “I knew you’d like it.”

She turned and headed back out. The rest of the day was pretty normal. She made the pie and then we got dressed for the party.

We had a good time. It was a formal party for work and everybody really looked their best.

Tammy wore a long black dress with a slit up the side and no back. Her heels made her legs seem even longer than they were already.

I noticed that her toes had a French manicure. She knows I love her feet and I always suck on them during sex.

I asked her for a slow dance and we left for the floor. As we danced, she purposely would rub herself against me. I was as hard as a piece of granite and she felt it.

She said she wanted to tell me something. So I bent down and she started to tongue my ear. She stopped and said, “I hope you are in the mood for dessert later.”

We sat down at our table and she reached under the tablecloth. I felt her begin to rub my hard cock.I was afraid someone might see us but she wasn’t.

I got really got nervous when she slid my zipper down. When she started stroking me, I stopped caring. She did this for a few minutes.

I was slowly filling up with cum and I knew I wouldn’t get relief until later. So I pulled her hand out from my pants. Her fingers were shiny and wet.

One of my co-workers walked up and asked me if I had tried out the dessert bar? Before I could answer him, Tammy said, “I did and I got some sauce all over my fingers. Taste this, sweetie.”

She pushed her fingers in my mouth. My co-worker walked away laughing. Tammy meanwhile enjoyed watching me swallow the juice she deposited in my mouth.

She looked at me and winked with her long lashes. “That was just a sample. I can’t wait to feed you a whole slice. I’m so wet right now.”

I would have left right then but she wasn’t through. We danced and danced. Everybody was admiring her beauty.

Finally, she grabbed my hand and said, “I’m all danced out. I need to get out of these sweaty clothes. Any ideas on what we can do then?”

I would have run to the car with her if I could.

On the ride home, Tammy was all over me. While I drove the car she laid her head in my lap. I told her to stop because I might wreck the car.

Instead of stopping, she opened my fly and pulled out my stiff cock. She slid me deep into her mouth. It felt so good.

Then she stopped and said, “I’ll stop if you want me to?”

I just pushed her head back down. It was a thirty-minute ride from there. She sucked me slowly, bathing my cock with her saliva. She brought me to the edge over and over.

When we finally got to our house, she thought it was cute the way I could barely walk to the door.

She said, “I’ll race you upstairs!”

She beat me in my current state. However, I beat her in the clothes removal contest. She lit some candles and I jumped in the bed to watch her undress.

Watching her strip was like watching a picture being painted. Each piece of clothing was a brush stroke.

She said, “I don’t want you to cum too quickly. So just lie back and relax.”

I lied back but she wasn’t going to let me relax. I felt her long hair across my stomach and her lips on my cock. Her oral assault tonight was unrelenting.

She sucked me slowly with a nice rhythm. My balls were swollen. I needed to cum very badly. This beautiful woman had teased me for half the night.

As my balls drew up tight and were ready to fire, she pulled off. I let out a groan of desperation.

“I think you’re ready now.

Ready for what?! I’m begging you, please, let me cum!

She slid back up and kissed me. I tasted my cum in her mouth.

She said, “You’ve gotten all the pleasure so far. I want you to pleasure me from head to toe.”

I wasn’t sure I could last but I was going to try to make her squirm now. I lied her on her back and kissed her neck and then slid to her breasts. She tasted salty from her sweating on the dance floor.

I alternately sucked each nipple as she moaned. I felt her push my head down to her crotch and I put my mouth on her clit. It was sticking out and engorged with blood. She was in heat.

Instead of taking her over the edge, I moved down to her feet. She begged me to eat her.

I told her, “All in good time. “I lifted her left foot to my face. They smelled delicious. Her toes were delicate and her French manicure was new.

I ran my tongue up her sole and sucked her big toe in my mouth.

“What are you doing? I’ve been dancing on my feet all night? Don’t you care?”

Her feet tasted salty at first but I didn’t care. They were beautiful. I answered her question by popping another toe into my mouth.

She shivered with pleasure.

She now started moaning and twisting on her nipples. I alternated sucking on each toe and then licked in between.

When I was through with that foot she practically jammed her other foot in my mouth. I guess she didn’t mind the attention to her feet anymore.

“Suck my pretty feet while I rub my clit.”

Pretty soon I could see a desperate look on her face. “Fuck me now. I need you inside of me,” she said.

I started to eat her box instead.

“You can eat me later, now I told you to fuck me!”

I figured I’d fuck her a little and then pull out to eat her some more. I slid inside her warm tight pussy and knew immediately that I was in trouble. I knew I’d never last.

She reached back to grab my hips and then hooked her legs around me. I tried to pump slowly but she was like an animal. She started thrusting back at me with each stoke.

After all her teasing and sucking, I knew I needed to slow down but she wouldn’t let up. She pushed me on my back and started bouncing up and down on my cock. I was trying not to think about cumming.

She looked down and said, “Hurry up and cum in my pussy. I can’t hold out much longer and I want to cum on your mouth. I saw you on the computer today so I know that you want to eat my creampie.”

I really didn’t want to do this, but she did. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I buried myself deep inside her and began shooting. My swollen balls were finally getting relief. The load was enormous. I came and came. All of her teasing and sucking had done its job.

“I can feel it. You’re filling me up more than ever. It feels so hot and thick. You’re going to love this too. I love you and the way you always make my fantasies come true.”

Then she lifted off of me and moved towards my head. I wasn’t sure about this. Then I looked up at my beautiful wife. She was excited and I knew she wanted this.

“Here it comes!” I heard her giggle.

As she lowered her pussy on my face, I saw that her pussy lips were shiny and red. When she made contact with my mouth, I smelled my cum and felt its heat. She spread her lips open with her fingers to unlock its cargo.

“This is going to feel so good. You almost made me cum with your dick. Now suck me out first.”

I opened my mouth and felt the first drip. It was hot and thick. I swallowed instinctively. I noticed the taste. It was a little salty but not as bad as I thought it would be. So I stuck my tongue in her pussy as far as I could to get some more.

She sat down with all her weight. I looked up. Her head was thrown back. Her nipples were erect and she had sweat all over her. I sucked her pussy real hard and was rewarded with a sudden rush of thick hot semen.

“I just felt a ton of your cum pour out of me. I’m so glad you like the taste. To think that your eating all of the cum that was in your balls a moment ago and not me, is kind of funny.”

She giggled at me as I swallowed it down.

“Mmmm, that looked like a mouthful. Now open your mouth again, I want to watch this.”

I opened up and she lifted up off my face. Again, she spread herself open with her fingers. When she tightened her abdominal muscles, a huge strand of cum flowed down into my mouth.

She looked down and said, “Yum, yum, yum.”

That was it for her. She slammed her crotch back down and started grinding on my out stretched tongue. As her orgasm approached, she worked her clit onto my tongue.

I sucked it hard as she rode my face to a crashing orgasm. She fell to my side. She was exhausted. As I swallowed the remnants of her orgasm, she regained her composure.

“Thank you. I don’t know why that excites me so much. Did you enjoy eating your creampie?”

I told her that I loved making her feel good and that my orgasm was terrific, too.

“I could see that it was. You just swallowed a lot of cum and to think that you came earlier in the day, too.

Next time I’ll tease you for a couple of days before I let you cum in me again. We’ll make a jumbo pie for you to eat!” she laughed.

I told her if that’s what she wanted, it was fine with me.

She seemed pleased with that answer and said, “We’ll have to save all that for this weekend. Now, I want some more of your delicious cum in my belly, so lie back. You taste so good and I never got any tonight.”

As I lied back and enjoyed her lips on my cock, I realized how much I loved my wife. Our relationship changed for the better that day. We are now more open and playful.

I love her.

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